C42 Aus dem jahr 2009

53 999


ASI is proud to present the exquisite Icarus C42 for your consideration! Take to the skies with this impeccable aircraft, boasting only 611 flight hours and equipped with modern features such as LED strobes and ACLs, Dynon EFIS, and electric flaps for an exceptional flying experience. Worried about additional expenses? Rest easy, as the parachute is valid until 2027, ensuring worry-free flights. The MTOW currently stands at 472.5 kg but can be increased with Comco Icarus.

This C42 has been regularly serviced at a professional workshop, guaranteeing reliability and adventure. 

Aircraft Hours: 611 h
Engine: Rotax 912
Engine Hours: 611 h
Engine Power: 80 PS
Propeller: Neuform CR75 3-Blade
Propeller Hours: 320 h
ARC Due: 07/2024

- Dynon Avionics EFIS-D100
- Stratux ADSB Receiver
- Kanrad ELT
- f.u.n.k.e. COM
- Filser Transponder
- Electric Flap Control

The Rocket is valid until 09/2027, and the Caps are valid until 09/2027. 

For sales inquiries, please contact Maximilian Graf, Sales & Management Germany, at Europe-Tel./WhatsApp +49 15161473988. 

ASI Aviation Sales International GmbH, Flugplatz (EDQN), Neustadt a.d. Aisch, 91413, Germany.




transponder, ELT

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